Who we are
Established in 2008, NCONGO represents an expanding membership of 50 NGOs/CBOs within the Ngamiland districts (Ngami & Okavango sub) concerned with sustainable social and economic development, including but are not limited to conservation and Livelihoods.
As a volunteer-directed organization, NCONGO coordinates the efforts of and advocates for the needs of NGOs by assisting in capacity building of member organizations, facilitating networking and Communication between the regions‘ non-state actors and strengthening the links with government to enable real change.
How we do it
NCONGO holds that the future of Botswana depends on effective and coordinated partnerships between government, NGOs/CBOs and private sector to address socio-economic issues including the environment, the needs of orphans and vulnerable children, education and health including HIV/AIDS.
As part of its capacity-building mandate, NCONGO offers workshops covering a wide range of topics which arise from the needs identified by its members. In keeping with the Botswana Policy for NGOs to work closely with government, NCONGO collects data from its member organizations and submits recommendations to the GOB through the different government committees.
NCONGO is a hub for capacity building, networking and communication in the region and it liaises across sectors and advocates locally, nationally and internationally.
Our work
We work to deliver meaningful programs, services, and support that are not just a one hit wonder, but have lasting effects.
Our work is best captured in the following realms of advocacy, budgeting and finance, capacity building, community based natural resources management, monitoring and evaluation, gender, governance, HIV/AIDS policy and reports, organizational development, orphans and vulnerable children, project management, and proposal writing
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