We are a non-profit making organization registered as a Trust, our mandate seeks to compliment government’s effort in helping the most disadvantaged and marginalized Children in Botswana.
The Trust deals mainly with children’s rights, women empowerment and issues of advocacy for marginalized groups. Our Aims are to:
- Provision of quality support to our clientele.
- Strong collaboration, networking and partnership with other government and private sector agencies.
- Open door policy available at all times and offer quality service to clients.
- Providing appropriate client friendly case management facility targeting youth and adolescent, elderly people, women, leaders and heroes.
- Generating more income to beef up on the budget for the proposed programs,through fundraising, requests etc
Our Objectives are to:
- To offer professional charity services
- To strengthen excellence at regional level (Okavango) with sustainable and efficient international support and collaboration.
- To offer a conducive environment as quality one stop counselling service provider, networking and collaborating with other related agencies and service providers for knowledge, experience and expertise exchange for the improvement of service offered client well-being.
- Contributing to poverty reduction including reducing socio-economic inequality between social groups and between men and women.
Our Project Focal Area/ Advocacy/ Awareness
- Health
- Education – revive traditional craftsmanship – curving, basket weaving, blacksmith, tracking, fishing
- Family Empowerment Program
- Sanitation
- Socio – Economic Awareness
- Agriculture Empowerment Program
- Green / Solar Technology
- Climate Change Projects
- Cultural Festival Promotion
- Living Museum
- Wildlife Conservation
Kalayakgosi Foundation Trust goal is to have IMPACT IN LIVES by providing high impact oriented, cost effective, & Culturally competent capacity building programs to the community where we operate particularly youth, widows, disable and children of school going age
- 2009 – Donation to Botswana Local Police
- Popagano Junior Secondary School
- Okavango Junior Secondary School
- 2019 – Membership of BOCONGO
- Women Empowerment Training
Location: Maun, Botswana
Telephone: 71623191/71406005
Fax: 6874415
Postal address: P .O. Box 600 Gumare, Botswana
Email: trustkalayakgosifoundation@gmail.com
Website: https://barkantravel.com/kalayakgosi-foundation-trust