Monitoring & Evaluation System
Monitoring & Information project funded by Resource Africa whose mandate is to collect data from 10 selected community trusts in Northern Botswana. Some of the variables monitored by this project include (Trust income, expense, capacity building, JVPs, hunting quotas, etc.)
The overall goal of this project is to enable each country in southern Africa to regularly collect, collate and analyse data that they can use to inform decision-making on their respective community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) programmes. Some of this information can be used to generate national reports on the state of CBNRM, which collectively will provide a snapshot of the state of CBNRM across southern Africa. At the present stage, only Namibia produces such reports regularly, which have proven useful for generating wider interest and support for CBNRM in that country.
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Ngamiland Council of Non-Governmental Organisations
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