Health, HIV/AIDS and Covid – 19 Sector

This sector brings together an array of CSOs that are either direct health service providers or form a support system for the services provided. It enhances the national efforts and interventions on combating HIV/AIDS and other health issues. The sector has also been recently been introduced to Covid-19 and organizations across the health sectors have incorporated on to their daily operations.
The purpose of the HIV/AIDS & Covid-19 sector is to bring together and
coordinate efforts of the health and HIV/AIDS service providers as well as to
come up with innovative partnerships between CSOs and strategic partners that will work to improve the health delivery services in the district.

The role of the Health, HIV/AIDS and Covid-19 Sector is:

Advocacy (rights of the clients)

Funding (resource mobilization)

Promotion of health in the district

Coordinating member activities

  • Sharing of resources
  • Communicating and networking


Sharing lessons learnt

Information dissemination

Monitoring and Evaluation

Empowerment of membership

i.e. Trainings


  • Government of Botswana
  • Development partners

Provide technical advice to NCONGO secretariat

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for this sector includes amongst others;

Ensure coordination, harmonization and implementation of the national response on HIV/AIDS and other health issues

Advocate for the development/reviews of policies, legislation and guidelines on health and HIV/AIDS

Provide technical advice and guidance to NCONGO secretariat, DMSAC and NCONGO membership

Mobilize and leverage resources for the implementation of the health and HIV/AIDS district response

Ensure monitoring and evaluation of sector plans and activities

Regularly deliberate on emerging issues on health and HIV/AIDS and make recommendations to relevant stakeholders

Health & HIV/AIDS Sector Membership: