Youth & Arts Sector

This sector brings together an array of CSOs that are either direct health service providers or form a support system for the services provided. It enhances the national efforts and interventions on combating HIV/AIDS and other health issues. The sector has also been recently been introduced to Covid-19 and organizations across the health sectors have incorporated on to their daily operations.
The purpose of the HIV/AIDS & Covid-19 sector is to bring together and
coordinate efforts of the health and HIV/AIDS service providers as well as to
come up with innovative partnerships between CSOs and strategic partners that will work to improve the health delivery services in the district.

The role of the Health, HIV/AIDS and Covid-19 Sector is:

– Ensuring the active involvement of young people in development and decision making processes at both district and national level
– To ensure that work undertaken and decisions made at the district links with the work undertaken by the network of youth organizations at national level.
– To build confidence and skills of the members of the committee by resourcing them to be competent spokespeople on behalf of their needs, issues and interests of the diverse population of Ngamiland Youth.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for this sector includes amongst others;

To ensure that the information used to make decisions is representative of the diversity of
young people that make up the youth population in Ngamiland
To actively involve young people through their organizations in developing and implementing
strategies that addresses the issues affecting young people in Ngamiland
To create opportunities for local young people through their representative organizations to
input into Ngamiland decision making process
Ensure the development/review of policies, legislation and guidelines for district and
national youth interventions
Mobilize and leverage resources for the implementation of the youth district response

Regularly deliberate on emerging issues on Gender equality and Disability and make
recommendations to the local authorities.

Youth & Arts Sector Membership: