Orphans and Vulnerable Children Sector
The NCONGO OVC Sector is charged with the responsibility of handling CSO response to all matters relating to the total wellbeing and development of children of Ngamiland. It is also charged with giving advice
to formulating policies, carrying out programs and projects towards the realization of the rights of children to survival, proper development, protection and participation.
An orphan in this context refers to a child below 18 years who has lost one (single parent) or (married couple) biological/adoptive parents.
A vulnerable child is a person below 18 years who is in any situation or
circumstance which is or likely to adversely affect his/her physical,
emotional, psychological or general well being which prevents the enjoyment of his or her rights and who is in need of protection.
To serve as the district vehicle to build an Ngamiland Society devoid of discrimination, that guarantees equal access to opportunities,
develop a culture that places premium on the protection of the OVC, and focuses attention of both public and private sector on issues that promote
full participation of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), gender & disability in the national developments.
The role of the Orphans and Vulnerable Sector is:
Identify training needs
Develop a flaagship program – Highlight OVC needs/ anything OVC related
Coordinate membership efforts
Networking and Communication
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for this sector includes amongst others;
Ensure coordination, harmonization and implementation of the North West District and national response on orhans and vulnerable children in Ngamiland.
Develop an annual sector workplan with timelines
Advocate for the development / review of policies, legislations and guideline for district and national OVC’s intervention.
Define a district care and support package for OVC in Ngamiland.
Ensure monitoring and evaluation of the sector response at all levels.
Resource mobilisation for the sector annual workplan
Provide or co-opt the relevant technical expertise needed for the successful implementation of the district OVC response.
Ensure effective multi-dimensional and multisectoral district OVC’s response
Regularly deliberate on emerging issues on OVC and make recommendations to the S&CD and other stakeholders.
Orphans & Vulnerable Children Sector Membership:
Donation Account
Ngamiland Council of Non-Governmental Organisations
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